The Iowa Council of Safety Management (ICSM) is a division within the Iowa Motor Truck Association that specifically focuses on the safety, compliance, and regulatory priorities of the trucking industry.
ICSM membership is open to anyone that is involved in safety and compliance --- both carriers and vendors. Individual membership dues are required to be part of ICSM and multiple individuals from one company are more than welcome to join ICSM.
ICSM members are able to participate in monthly activities such as webinars, mini-safety conferences, annual Safety Professionals Conference, Truck Driving Championships, and more!
Membership runs from October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025.

Benefits of Joining
Tremendous networking opportunities with other safety professionals.
Access to valuable & timely information specific to trucking compliance.
Regular interaction and involvement with important regulators.
Dues at Work
Mini-Safety Conferences
Three one-day long conferences that will offer a deeper dive into regulatory issues of importance while also promoting valuable interaction with regulators. Attendees will also network with colleagues and peers during lunch through discussion on various topics.
Automatic Registration to Annual Safety Professionals Conference
As an ICSM member you will be automatically registered for the annual Safety Professionals Conference held in Des Moines --- a $200 value! This day and a half long conference features break out sessions, panel discussions and keynote messages specific to safety and compliance. Plus a networking reception the first day of the conference!