Since 1942, having a voice at the Iowa State Capitol has been a top priority of the Iowa Motor Truck Association. To be an effective advocate, many of our efforts go unnoticed because bad bills are stopped before they even see the light of day. That is an important part of the job and one that we take very
seriously. IMTA frequently weighs in on legislation specific to employment/HR, insurance, workers' compensation, taxes, and anything related to trucks.
2023: The legislation went into effect as of July 1, 2023 and marked the end of a multi-year effort to get this historic lawsuit abuse legislation passed. The bill places a $5 million cap on noneconomic damages, such as pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of consortium by a spouse, parent, or child. The parties injured and the party’s family jury awards are capped at a maximum of $5 million regardless of the number of plaintiffs in the family.
The legislation also protects trucking companies against charges of negligent hiring of a driver. The bill states specifically, “there shall not be a civil liability for an employer’s hiring of an employee.” Supporters of the bill believe this is a significant improvement to the current legal landscape, where trial lawyers often accuse the trucking company of failing to uncover past information on their new hires.

On May 12, 2023, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and Lt. Governor Gregg Adams joined IMTA board members, state legislators, and other special guests in the official bill signing for SF 2338 at the Iowa Motor Truck Association headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa.